May I? You May! It's lovely warm Spring. While away your time with live music and poetry.
This Saturday, Sofa Salon teams with SAND Journal, Berlin's English-language literary magazine, for a huge afternoon of Australian music and international poetry to raise money for SAND's good works and upcoming Issue #3.

Samstag 14. Mai - Sofa Salon & SAND Journal Wohnzimmer Festival:
Music from Roller One, Andrew McCubbin and the Hope Addicts, Monty Sparrow , Jimmy Tait and Waywardbreed
Poetry from C.M. Schollerer & Becky Crook & Julian Smith-Newman & Sophia La Fraga & Shane Anderson.
Performance from Sunny the Magosopher.
Berlin receives a fair share of visitors from the Southern Hemisphere's best music city, Melbourne. On tour through Europe, our Melbourne musical juggernaut features Roller One, Andrew McCubbin and the Hope Addicts, Monty Sparrow plus previous Sofa Salon favourites Jimmy Tait and Waywardbreed, alongside some of Berlin's finest poets including C.M Scholler, Becky Crook, Julian Smith-Newman, Sophia La Fraga and Shane Anderson.
Einlass 14:00. Eintritt €5. Performances start at 14:45.
To reserve places, email: berlinsofasalon [at] Sending an email will get you the address. Our apartment for the festival is in Kreuzkölln near U-Rathaus Neukölln (U7).
Donnerstag 26. Mai @ Joe's Bar presents the "For Love And Mayhem" tour launch for Wasp Summer and Water Music's European Tour 2011.
Berlin's Wasp Summer and Melbourne's Water Music make soulful, dark and raw folk-rock and They have never met but, through a mutual friend (and friend of Sofa Salon, Mark Steiner), they emailed and decided to have an adventure. Their "For Love And Mayhem" European Tour. The first night of the tour is the Sofa Salon @ Joe's Bar.
Einlass 21:00. Eintritt Spende/Donation. Schönhauser Allee 157, Prenzlauer Berg.
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